SATCOM Web Tools
Provide valuable information to customers and increase website service value
Generate pointing data for an earth station towards a satellite using the Look Angle Calculator
Predict the occurence and duration of solar outages using the Sun Outage Calculator
Display satellite ephemeris and compute satellite location using the Ephemeris and Center of Box Calculator
About SATCOM Web Tools™
The SATCOM Web Tools are a collection of commonly used tools satellite operators can easily customize with their own data and place on their website for their customers. These include the Look Angle Calculator, Sun Outage Calculator, Ephemeris and Center of Box Calculator. Employing the most accurate available algorithms and web development practices, and supported by databases that preload the satellite operator’s data, the SATCOM Web Tools are designed to be both accurate and easy to use.

The SATCOM Web Tools are a set of server-based programs (invoked through a web browser) and run on Windows Server 2019/2022 using IIS.
The SATCOM Web Tools are licensed on a per-server basis. They may only be procured as a perpetual license (CAPEX). Perpetual licenses include one year of software upgrade, maintenance, and technical support. Support for perpetual licenses may be renewed annually after the first year.
The SATCOM Web Tools may be deployed separately or as part of the ECM Customer Portal.